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Plugin name: infractions

The infractions plugin provides a set of useful moderator commands. These commands should be used together with the configuration to help handle and track misbehaving users over time.


Arguments in {} are required. Arguments in [] are optional.

Moderation commands


NameDescriptionDefault LevelUsage
!warn {user} {reason}Adds a warning infraction to a user.Moderator!warn 520047158104424488 1st warning, spamming emoji OR !warn @HepBoat#0361 2nd warning, going off-topic
!kick {user} [reason]Kicks a user from the server.Moderator!kick 520047158104424488 spamming OR !kick @HepBoat#0361 spamming
!mkick {users} -r [reason]Kicks multiple users from the server.Moderator!mkick 232921983317180416 80351110224678912 108598213681922048 -r spamming
!ban {user} [reason]Bans a user from the server.Moderator!ban 520047158104424488 spamming OR !ban @HepBoat#0361 spamming
!mban {users] -r [reason]Bans multiple users from the server. Use quotes for multiple words.Moderator!mban 232921983317180416 80351110224678912 108598213681922048 -r spamming OR !mban 232921983317180416 80351110224678912 108598213681922048 -r 'bad boys'
!cleanban {days} {user} [reason]Bans a user from the server and cleans the given number of days worth of past messages. Valid days values are 0-7.Moderator!cleanban 2 520047158104424488 goodbye OR !cleanban 2 @HepBoat#0361 goodbye
!unban {user} [reason]Unbans a user from the server.Moderator!unban 520047158104424488
!softban {user} [reason]Softbans (bans/unbans) a user and deletes any of their messages that were sent within the last 7 days.Moderator!softban 520047158104424488 spamming OR !softban @HepBoat#0361 spamming
!tempban {user} {duration} [reason]Temporarily bans a user.Moderator!tempban 520047158104424488 5h spamming OR !tempban @HepBoat#0361 5h spamming
!munban {users} -r [reason]Unbans multiple users from the server. Use quotes for multiple words.Moderator!munban 232921983317180416 80351110224678912 108598213681922048 -r spamming OR !munban 232921983317180416 80351110224678912 108598213681922048 -r 'good boys'

When using multiple user commands such as mban, the reason needs to be a single string or it will error out. If you would like to use multiple words, wrap the phrase in single quotes. !mban 232921983317180416 80351110224678912 108598213681922048 -r 'spamming lots of words'

The commands warn, kick, ban, cleanban, and tempban have notify configuration overriding versions. They can be called in a similar manner to the following warn example.

NameDescriptionDefault LevelUsage
!warn {user} {reason} OR !warn n {user} {reason}Adds a warning infraction to a user. May send a DM to the offending user based on the notify configuration.Moderator!warn 520047158104424488 1st warning, spamming emoji
!qwarn {user} {reason} OR !warn quiet {user} {reason}Adds a warning infraction to a user without sending a DM.Moderator!qwarn 520047158104424488 1st warning, spamming emoji
!dmwarn {user} {reason} OR !warn dm {user} {reason}Adds a warning infraction to a user and attempts to send a DM to the offending user that also notes what moderator triggered the command.Moderator!dmwarn 520047158104424488 1st warning, spamming emoji
!awarn {user} {reason} OR !warn anon {user} {reason}Adds a warning infraction to a user and attempts to send a DM to the offending user without noting which moderator triggered the command.Moderator!awarn 520047158104424488 1st warning, spamming emoji

For kicks, the short commands would be qkick, dmkick, akick, and so on and so forth for the other commands.


NameDescriptionDefault LevelUsage
!mute {user} [reason]Mutes a user. mute_role must be set in the config.Moderator!mute 520047158104424488 spamming OR !tempmute @HepBoat#0361 60m spamming
!mmute {users} -r [reason]Mutes multiple users on the server. Use quotes for multple words.Moderator!mmute 232921983317180416 80351110224678912 108598213681922048 -r spamming OR !mmute 232921983317180416 80351110224678912 108598213681922048 -r 'bad words'
!unmute {user}Unmutes a user.Moderator!unmute 520047158104424488
!munmute {users} -r [reason]Unmute multiple users on the server. Use quotes for multiple words.Moderator!munmute 232921983317180416 80351110224678912 108598213681922048 -r spamming OR !munmute 232921983317180416 80351110224678912 108598213681922048 -r 'good words'
!tempmute {user} {duration} [reason]Temporarily mutes a user. mute_role must be set in the config.Moderator!tempmute 520047158104424488 30m spamming OR !tempmute @HepBoat#0361 30m spamming
!hardmute {user} [reason] OR !hardmute enable {user} [reason]Hard-mutes a user. hard_mute_role must be set in the config.Moderator!hardmute enable @user1 being really silly
!temphardmute {user} {duration} [reason] OR !hardmute temp {user} {duration} [reason]Hard-mutes a user temporarily. hard_mute_role must be set in the config.Moderator!hardmute temp @user1 6h being really silly
!hardmute disable {user}Disables an active hard-mute on a user.Moderator!hardmute disable @user1

A regular mute will apply the mute_role to a user. A hardmute will apply the hard_mute_role to the user AND remove all other roles from the user except the ones configured in hard_mute_ignore.

Disabling a regular mute will remove the mute_role from the user. Disabling a hard_mute_role will remove the hard_mute_role AND restore all original roles before the hard-mute back to the user.

The commands mute, tempmute, hardmute, and temphardmute have notify configuration overriding versions similar to the warn example in the Punishment section above. e.g. amute, qmute, dmtempmute, etc.


NameDescriptionDefault LevelUsage
!report [reason]Send a report to a report channel. report_channel must be configured.Default!report @Tobiah is being a meanie
!timeleftAllow a muted user to check their remaining time in their mute.Default!timeleft
!selfmute {duration} OR !muteself {duration}Self mutes for the given duration. selfmute and mute_role must be enabled in the config.Default!selfmute 2m

Miscellaneous commands

NameDescriptionDefault LevelUsage
!inf archiveCreates a CSV file of all infractions on the server.Administrator!infractions archive
!inf search {query}Searches infractions database for given query.Moderator!inf search 520047158104424488 OR !inf search HepBoat#0361 OR !inf search spamming
!inf info {inf#}Presents information on the given infraction.Moderator!inf info 1274
!inf delete {inf#}Delete infraction.Administrator!inf delete 1274
!inf clearall {user}Clear out all infractions (excluding notes and temproles) for the given user in the guild.Administrator!inf clearall 520047158104424488
!inf duration {inf#} {duration}Updates the duration of the given infraction. Duration starts from time of initial action. You may also use the identifier ml in {inf#} to edit the last infraction created by the calling user.Moderator!inf duration 1274 5h
!inf reason {inf#} {reason}Updates the reason of a given infraction. You may also use the identifier ml in {inf#} to edit the last infraction created by the calling user.Moderator!inf reason 1274 rude behaviour towards staff OR !inf reason ml rude behaviour towards staff
!inf recent [num]Get recent num infractions. Default num is 10.Moderator!inf recent 5
!inf active [num]Get recent num active infractions. Default num is 10.Moderator!inf active 5
!inf mutes [num]Get recent num mutes. Default num is 10.Moderator!inf mutes 5
!inf bans [num]Get recent num bans. Default num is 10.Moderator!inf bans 5
!note add {user} [reason]Add a note on a user.Moderator!note add 222617379421683712 omaiwamo shinderu
!note delete {inf#}Delete note on user.Administrator!note delete 1275
!note info {inf#}Get full details on a note.Moderator!note info 1275
!note search {query}Search for a note with the specified query.Moderator!note search @user1
!note archiveCreates a CSV file of all notes on the server.Administrator!note archive
!temprole {user} {role} {duration} [reason]Adds a role temporarily to a user. Will be logged as an note.Moderator!temprole @user1 StronkRole 1h stronk for 1h

Configuration Options

confirm_actionsWhether to confirm actions with a message reply.booltrue
confirm_actions_reactionWhether to confirm actions with a checkmark reaction on the command.boolfalse
confirm_actions_expirySeconds after which to delete the confirmed action message. If zero the message will never be deleted.int0
mute_roleRole ID added for muted users.snowflakeempty
hard_mute_roleRole ID added for hard-muted users.snowflakeempty
hard_mute_ignoreList of role IDs that will not be removed upon a hard-mute.list(snowflake)empty
reason_edit_levelMinimum level for users to edit infraction reasons made by other users.int100
duration_edit_levelMinimum level for users to edit infraction durations made by other users.int100
report_channelChannel ID for report collection.snowflakeempty
report_roleRole ID to ping for reports.snowflakeempty
vc_muteWhether or not to attempt to move a muted voice user to a guild-defined AFK channel.boolfalse
vc_mute_channelOverride channel ID for guild-defined AFK channel.snowflakeempty
selfmuteWhether to allow selfmutes.boolfalse
selfmute_maxMaximum seconds for a selfmute duration.int1209600 (2 weeks)
selfmute_roleRole ID assigned to self-mute users.snowflakeempty
disable_note_promptDisables the note search prompt after an inf search.boolfalse
notifyDictionary of infraction types to notify configurations.dictempty

Notify Configuration




The modlog plugin needs to be enabled for notifications to work properly.

Actions configured in this section will have DMs sent to the offending user. If the action is not configured or has a format set to 'false', no DM will be sent by default.

Default DM settings can be overridden by using specific quiet, dm, and anon commands.

If the default valid or anon formats are not configured and a command with forced DMs is called, it will use the server default template.

formatFormat for infraction DM notifications. If true is specified, it will use the default notify configuration. If false is specified, no DM notification will be sent.strNone
emojiName of emoji to use in notify messages.strno_mouth

For the emoji configuration, you may also use custom emoji on your server by just calling its plain-text name. e.g. "hydra" Using external emojis not on the server of the configuration is currently not supported.

Configuration Example

confirm_actions: false
mute_role: 289494296703533058
reason_edit_level: 50
report_channel: 297917022300274688
vc_mute: true
vc_mute_channel: 77177426521624576
format: true
format: true
format: true
format: true
format: true
format: true

Custom Notify Format

OptionDescriptionExample Output
{emoji}The set emoji for infraction type.🚨
{action!s}The infraction action."Kicked"
{}The guild name.Team Hydra
{actor!s}The command author.JakeyPrime#0001
{reason!s}The infraction reason.
{expires}The expiration date.14-Jul-19 @ 18:23 GMT+0 (4 seconds)
{expire_time}The expiration timestamp for temporary infractions.14-Jul-19 @ 18:23 GMT+0
{duration}The duration for temporary infractions.5 seconds

If configured improperly, your infraction commands may break and/or notifications may not be sent. Customize at your own risk.

Configuration Example

emoji: rotating_light
format: |-
{emoji} You have been **{action!s}** in {}.
**Reason**: {reason!s}
emoji: no_mouth
format: |-
{emoji} You have been **{action!s}** in {}.
**Expires**: {expires})
**Reason**: {reason!s}
emoji: no_mouth
format: |-
{emoji} You have been **{action!s}** in {}.
**Reason**: {reason!s}
emoji: tools
format: |-
{emoji} You have been **{action!s}** from {}.
**Expires**: {expires})
**Reason**: {reason!s}
emoji: tools
format: |-
{emoji} You have been **{action!s}** from {}.
**Reason**: {reason!s}
emoji: tools
format: |-
{emoji} You have been **{action!s}** from {}.
**Reason**: {reason!s}