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General Configuration

This page covers the main basic configuration options.


# Sample web configuration
148359099782791168: admin # JakeyPrime#0001
206212600596398080: editor # Panther#0001
189990173222164545: viewer # Bunnerz#9809

Web determines which users are able to view the configuration dashboard for the server. Commenting a line with the username next each user ID helps with organization.

User ID is used to assign ranks. There are three ranks you can assign: admin, editor, viewer. Admin can add more users (including other Admins), edit, and view the dashboard. Editor can edit and view the dashboard. Viewer can only view the configuration.


Any users added to a configuration in the web section will grant them the Verified HepBoat User role in our support guild, which can be joined by clicking the Support Server link at the top of the page. This will give access to a Discord server to talk with other HepBoat users and get support from our amazing HepBoat support team.

Support Server Roles

All server owners with guilds with enabled configurations will have the Verified HepBoat Server Owner role assigned automatically. All users in the web section of valid HepBoat Beta configurations will have the HepBoat Tester role assigned automatically. HepBoat Prime Users will have the HepBoat Prime User role assigned automatically as well.



We recommend setting the nickname in the Discord client, instead of using this feature.

# Sample nickname configuration
nickname: H3PB0AT

Set a nickname for the bot! Nickname is automatically applied upon the global reload of the bot. You may also give the bot a custom nickname in the server directly in the meantime.


# Sample level configuration
290295854124550657: 100 # Admin
295472842935353345: 50 # Moderator
298993418577703616: 10 # Trusted

This is where you assign levels to each role in your server! Remember, the default level is 0 if a user does not have one of the explicitly listed roles. Users will have the highest level of their assigned roles.

By default, some levels have a certain rank associated with it:

0   - Default
10 - Trusted
50 - Moderator
100 - Administrator

You can view the default rank required for each command by looking at the Commands section for each plugin.

Levels can be set to any positive integer. Keep in mind the default permissions given for each command. You can override the default ranks for commands by using the command configuration explained below.

Commands and Overrides

Check out the Commands plugin page for full documentation.

# Sample commands configuration
prefix: '!'
- { 'utilities', out: {level: 10}}
- group: clean
level: 40
- name: mute
level: 40

Here, you can change your prefix, which is the string of characters which will trigger each command.

# Some prefix examples
prefix: '!' # !ban
prefix: '!!' # !!ban
prefix: '$' # $ban
prefix: '^' # ^ban
prefix: 'hb!' # hb!ban

Overrides allow you to customize which levels and roles can use each command, or group of commands.

  • is used for all commands in a plugin (Hint: every section that's indented one in beneath the "plugins:" section is a plugin)
  • group is used for commands which have multiple components. Some examples: clean, archive, role, stars
  • name is used for specific commands.
  • out: {level: 40} is used to assign the minimum level required to use the command.

Taking the configuration above as an example, the given server would have the following features:

  • Regular users with a default level of 0 would be unable to use utility commands (such as jumbo, info, and cat).
  • The clean command group had a default level of 50 (moderator) to use the commands, but now users will only need a minimum level of 40 to use them.
  • The mute command had a default level of 50 (moderator) to use the commands, but now users will only need a minimum level of 40 to use them.