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Infraction Importing

Moving to HepBoat from another rowboat clone? No problem, we'll get those infractions moved over in no time!

Deprecation Notice

Jan 10, 2021: This page is deprecated with the start of the rewrite.

Exporting the infractions


It is recommended that you use Mozilla Firefox for this process, since it has the best performance in the export process.

Sign into the other rowboat clone's dashboard and head over to the Infraction API endpoint.

e.g. If you are exporting from Rawgoat, the URL for the endpoint would be:**GUILD ID HERE**/infractions?page=1&limit=1000&sorted=[]&filtered=[]

Here comes the slightly boring part. You will now need to copy and paste that entire JSON response into a text editor of your choice. Then, you should increment the page= part of the url, which will give you an entire new page of infractions.

Repeat the process above by appending this new JSON response to the bottom in your text editor.


Make sure to keep the all responses within a single JSON array by confirming that there are only one set of [] brackets at the bottom and the top containing the whole array. Make sure to clean up all extraneous []'s. Also remember to add ,'s where appropriate so the JSON syntax stays valid.

Keep incrementing the page number until you get an empty response.

Sending the .json file

Once you have completed creating the export file, save it as a .json file and contact us on our Discord server.

If all goes well and everything is valid, the import will add all of your infractions to HepBoat.