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Frequently Asked Questions

If the content below does not answer your questions or solve your issues, please join the support server for assistance, using the link on the sidebar to join.


Why is HepBoat leaving my server?

If your guild is not whitelisted for setup, HepBoat will automatically leave your server. Please make sure that you have filled out the whitelist form linked in the navigation bar above and have been approved for the bot. If you would like to purchase access to the bot instead, you may visit our store.

I am getting an error whenever I save my config!

Please check the top of your dashboard page for a detailed error message.

If you are getting a YAML error, it means that your configuration has a formatting error. You can use the validator at to help debug your issue.

HepBoat is not responding to my commands!

Please check to make sure that you have the appropriate plugins enabled in your configuration. Most plugins will not be loaded for your guild unless configured explicitly.

For instance, if you are trying to use utilities commands, make sure that your configuration contains the following at minimum.

utilities: {}

If you have included the plugin, please make sure that you do not have indentation errors or are using the wrong prefix trigger if configured in the commands section.

HepBoat is deleting all my commands!

HepBoat will delete commands if you do not have the proper level to trigger them. Please make sure that you have an appropriate level assigned by user ID or by role in the levels section of your guild configuration.

Users may check their calculated level by running the !debug level command.

Other reasons why commands may be deleted are due to other lockdown permissions such as trying to use the command in a non-whitelisted channel or category or without a whitelisted role.

The response that a command is not well-formed is deceiving because that check triggers before the permissions check.

Read the General Configuration to learn more.


How do I turn off the warning DMs from HepBoat that I don't have permissions to use a command?

Check out the dm_denied setting in the admin plugin.


How can I suggest new features for HepBoat?

If you are a current HepBoat User or HepBoat Server Owner, you may submit a suggestion on our Feedback repository.

HepBoat: HepBoat Prime: HepBoat Beta:

Beta Tester

Can I get access to HepBoat Beta if I do not qualify for HepBoat?

Sure, if you do not qualify to be whitelisted for our regular HepBoat moderation bot, you are welcome to ask a staff member on the support server for a whitelist to HepBoat Beta. Please be aware that this is a bot used for active development. As a result, uptime and reliability are not guaranteed, and it should not be relied on as your main moderation bot.


Data can be wiped at ANY TIME while using HepBoat Beta.

How do I invite HepBoat Beta and access the dashboard?

Assuming you have been whitelisted, you can invite HepBoat Beta to your server here and access its dashboard at