Lead Developer @ Team Hydra
- Added custom commands plugin page with detail about configuration
- Added slowmode notes to admin plugin
- Added floof command notes to utilities
- Added aliases to cat and dog commands
- Noted that when search returns a single result it will automatically turn into the !info command
- Added detail to infractions regarding hard_mute_ignore option
- Added detail to infractions regarding !temprole command

Lead Developer @ Team Hydra
- Allow tags to have a role whitelisted wherein that role can run tags anywhere
- Allow commands to be whitelisted for a role to run it anywhere

Lead Developer @ Team Hydra
- Say commands with/enabling config (
!say channel #channel
message and !say user @user message
- Tags as first-class dynamic commands locked to admins.

Lead Developer @ Team Hydra
- Role Info command (notable perms)
- User info enhancement (notable perms)
- Track role counts
- Avatar command for checking user avatar
- Increase info timeout

Lead Developer @ Team Hydra
- Remove forceban, ban automatically checks it
- Restrict commands to specific channels
- Whitelist channels from incurring specific censors
- Automatically move muted user to AFK or override VC