Lead Developer @ Team Hydra
- Huge amount of bug fixes and improvements
- Added some command aliases for the lazy, yours to discover!
- Added some "HepBoat is typing" indicators for commands that may run for a long time
- An entire badge system? Check your local info command today!

Lead Developer @ Team Hydra
command for mods to get list of users currently in voice chat with them. (helpful for checking later when there's issues going on)

Lead Developer @ Team Hydra
- Ability to turn off twitch announcing the stream, still granting a role if one is specified to grant to those streaming.

Lead Developer @ Team Hydra
- Twitch notification webhooks
- Twitch notification streamer name/avatar
- Twitch notification footer (twitch logo, Live @ time)

Lead Developer @ Team Hydra
- Bug fixes for undefined prefixes in channel configs
- Bug fixes for nickname censor
- Control messages for reloading plugins
- Control messages for guild join/leave
- Change default logging to WARNING, command to change log level at will
- (In progress) Webhooks for twitch notifications

Lead Developer @ Team Hydra
- Auto level VC issues are fixed
- Twitch plugin
- Can set configs to strings now. This means you can have the same channel multiple times
- Allows setting channel_id in each config to specify the channel id
- Fixed regex issues when specifying custom messages
- Embeds and message now use the display name not the login name
- Discord invites in censor plugin are escaped
- Clean all and clear will no longer delete pinned messages
- Cleaned up role reactions
- Reactions that should not be on a message will be removed (Slowly so it doesn't hit rate limits)
- Specifying join_only or leave_only as an emoji list item will set that reaction to only allow the role to be joined or left but not both.
- Reworked most of the mass infraction commands. No timeouts will occur meaning you can mass ban etc quickly as expected.
- Tags with PNG and JPEG should correctly attach the picture and NOT include the URL

Lead Developer @ Team Hydra 
Lead Developer @ Team Hydra
- Updated auto level to include guild rank, top command and the ability for global admins to import points from tatsumaki and mee6

Lead Developer @ Team Hydra
- Reddit notify role
- Fixed some reddit plugin unescape issues
deletes command
- Announcement config and command to send announcements to a channel
- Autoclean configuration
- Reaction based roles

Lead Developer @ Team Hydra
- New plugin!! Autolevel that reward roles for users participation in chat!